Villanelles can be magical when they are done well, and 'The Last Wizard' is a fine example of how to do it. Nice work, James, and great audio also!

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That’s very kind of you to say, Martin, thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

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This is so cool!!

Magical!! (Duh!😆)

A great poem!!✨

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Hahah well thanks though, that's very much appreciated!

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"wizard" say no more.

I really love this. I'm romancing a wizard in baldur's gate right now and this makes me sad hahaha.

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hahah gotta just keep castin' spells then!

I tend to always roll sorcerers for some reason

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Haha gotta keep the magic going!

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Awesome poem James! There's a lot of great elements I could point out but the line in the first stanza "A wizard works his final spell" juxtaposed to the final stanza "Where wonder is at last dispelled" created a nice full circle moment with its common alliterative, rhyming and thematic elements. Very nice. 👌

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Thanks very much, Thomas. As you know, villanelles can be quite tricky. I had to sit with this one awhile to hammer out some of the lines. Quite glad you enjoyed it.

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That was right up my fantasy Alley, James. I listened to your reading, which was so effective, and then read the poem to take it in deeper. It's a magical moment that made me start to write a story about what happened BEFORE. Maybe, sometime, you'll be in the mood to tell us that.

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Thanks so much, Sandy! Execution always falls short of course, but I did have a fairly clear visual of the story in this one. It may indeed be something I could revisit later. Would certainly be fun!

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So cool, James. Reminds me a bit of the old sci-fi/fantasy book The Magic Goes Away by Larry Niven.

And great audio production as always. Keep it up!

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Larry Niven's great. Any loose association I may have with his stories is a high compliment indeed! Thanks a lot, man.

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Loved this James! Also, just finished watching The Lord of The Rings trilogy with my ten year old son, he loved it. But got be to thinking about Wizards again 😁

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I just love The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I think I'll go back and re-watch it also.

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Hahah awesome! Have you done The Hobbit with him at all? We're trying to read the book to our daughter, but she's still a tad young for it yet. (The trolls were definitely an issue.)

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Sep 9Liked by James Hart

you had me at "wizard"

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Hahah solid. 🤙

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